Executive Functioning Coaching
Do you ever find yourself …
You've noticed how easily noise, chatter, and emails can divert your attention. You can't concentrate at work unless you're alone in a room. These distractions result in poor performance at work.
You are frequently late for appointments or submit late work as a result of paying attention to distractions.
You are great at crisis management. However, you find it difficult to develop and execute long term strategic planning.
You may fail to prioritise well, failing to meet important obligations, such as a work deadline, while spending countless hours on something insignificant.
You feel as if you have no control over your emotions. Most of the time, you become enraged over trivial matters. Your rage fades as quickly as it appears. Even though you have moved on, you discover that those around you have not yet recovered from your outburst.
Your boss doubts your ability to deliver consistent results. You get passed over for promotions.
You have no idea why your significant other is always nagging at you. You feel blamed for something that’s not your fault. You have no idea what you did to upset others.
Our Process
No two ADHD sufferers are alike.
Insight therapy Services provides 2 different ADHD treatment for ADHD sufferers - ADHD Counselling & Executive Functioning Coaching.
ADHD counselling focuses on resolving the emotional consequences of ADHD, whereas Executive Functioning Coaching improves performance, productivity, and focus.
ADHD counselling and Executive Functioning Coaching are both tailored interventions for clients with ADHD. The initial evaluation identifies specific dysfunctional psychological processes that are influencing your life. To achieve your goals, we devise a series of interventions.
We look at these common topics (not exhaustively).
Increasing Executive Functioning Capabilities
Examine unhelpful beliefs and thought patterns
Create a healthy emotional regulation system.
Examine the effects of ADHD on your family, spouse, bosses, and coworkers.
Our Outcome
You are not to blame for your ADHD. Also, you also learn effective tools for managing your ADHD symptoms.
Enhanced Productivity
Create individual strategies to improve energy, productivity and overall well-being.
Regain Confidence
Reduce your self-doubt. Play to your strengths.
Make ADHD work for you
Unleash the positive impact of ADHD and apply it to your life.
“Alex assisted me in regaining my confidence. Despite my ADHD, I've learned to keep my work commitments.”
— Adult Male, diagnosed with ADHD disorder
Ready to work with us?
Fees are SGD $330 for 80mins intake session. SGD $220 for 50mins follow-up sessions.